Please follow the link to view the 2025 status of events this year.

Dates: August 10th - 13th, 2025
Deans: Josh Bowers
For Completed Grades:  7th - 12th

Arrive: 4-5pm for registration
Pickup: After 10am

$50 per camper

Service projects planned:

These few days of camp are a service time where you really get to directly serve God by helping out in projects at the camp, going out the local community and even assisting international missions!  It is a blast to hang out and serve our Lord!

The schedule for Mt. Do is different than a regular week of camp. In the morning the camp prepares for the activities of the day. In the late morning and afternoon opportunities are provided to actually serve people in the area of the camp. In the evenings there is chapel and bonfire time. The schedule is more relaxed, yet flexibility is required. 

Jesus said,"Whoever wants to be become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all." 

At Mt. Do. we intend to serve people who need help. If you are willing to put feet on your faith please come join us.